
Posts Tagged ‘brownies’

Sorry for not posting over the past few days! It’s been so busy, and I’ve gotten up to a load of stuff. I’ll only be writing about a few of the things, so it’s not too much of an overload!

Sunday morning, what weather! It was beautiful, and hoped to be the start of our summer. To celebrate this, me and a housemate spent the day together. She made breakfast/lunch of savoury pancakes with onions and bacon which was just delicious! I am taking full advantage of my housemates food skills with my time left in the house.


They were so filling, and we ate them about 12 o’clock so it was more of a lunch than a breakfast. Then we decided to head into town and soak up the sun while we could. I bought some Body Shop tea tree skincare products, and if they work I’ll do a bit of a review on them in a couple of weeks! We spent some time looking for mugs for work, but there was no such luck! Everything was either too expensive, too small or just not right. The art of mug buying is a very important thing, and when you see the right mug you just know it.

We did buy some loose tea from Whittards though, as we had spent so much time in the shop already. It was 3 packets for £12 so we each chose one we wanted and split the third box (and it now looks a little bit like something else as I have it in a plastic freezer bag….but I swear it is tea!) We also got some tea filters so we could enjoy the tea without buying a tea sub.


I chose Cherry Blossom White Tea, my housemate chose Chocolate Chai and we split the pack of Peach Green Tea (which is so good i’m going to need to go back to get another pack soon!)

After all this walking around, we had a trip into Wagamama, and I managed to get pictures of our yummy food before we dug into it!



I got Cha-han, which came with a side of miso soup and Japanese pickles which was so good! My housemate got Yaki Soba. Such nice food, paired with the usual free cups of green tea and some ice water to cool us off in the hot summer sun! We didn’t manage to eat all of the food, so took it away in some boxes to be eaten later that evening as a snack.

Then we got home and watched movies while enjoying our fancy loose leaf tea.

Other things that have happened this week:

We had a BBQ as a house and I ate some really good polish sausage.

I introduced my housemates to BBC’s Sherlock, and they all now love it! (Success!)

We went to an all-you-can-eat Chinese restaurant called ‘The Dragon’ which is so so good, before heading off to see ‘The Dark Knight Rises’. I’ll be writing up a review of the movie when I go see it again on Saturday, as I was a little star-struck seeing it the first time to take everything in.

Here’s a shot of some of the desert I had at The Dragon.

The Olympics started! So we stayed up late to watch the Opening Ceremony, which was…okay. It started off a bit naff, but got a lot better when it appeared the Queen parachuted out of a helicopter with James Bond. Also, Mr Bean’s act was just brilliant.

We had a bit of excitement on evening. I’m sitting watching some tv while my housemate was talking on the phone outside and I hear a cry of ‘Helen! A snack in the garden!’ To which I come running out and find this:


Naturally I freak out as well and call up my mum who explains that it’s a slow-worm, which is a legless lizard and is completely harmless and there is nothing to worry about. We had to keep the cat away from it though, as she seemed intent of trying to eat the poor thing.

I made another batch of brownies, and I’ll be putting up the recipe in a couple of days, partly so I can try to memorise the recipe completely and partly so I can see what other people think of it!

Now I’m going to continue my lazy day of watching the Olympics and staying in from the rain! (Why England, why? You were doing so well with the sun and then you bring back the rain!)

Go Team GB go!



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